Four Years of #TheWaveBoston
So we’ve been throwing #TheWaveBoston for officially four years now – which is crazy to us. Never did we think it would’ve been as successful, or so well received as you all have made it over these past four years.
The first wave that we hosted was in January of 2014. It was freezing that day, the Patriots were playing, and we were just a group of people who really didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into (at the time). All we knew, was that we were sick of going to the same places, listening to the same songs, and being around the same people – all of which were subpar in our eyes.
The first night was successful enough for Middlesex to allow us come back the next month, and we knew we had to capitalize on this opportunity. We quickly started seeing that more and more people were telling their friends about us and before we knew it we had our first accolade, we were named Boston’s Best Dance Party by Boston Magazine.
Month after month, year after year, we always strive to bring out the best talent that we can afford, because we have this underlying responsibility to our fans to make sure they’re hearing and having the best time they can with us – even it’s just for one day a month.
Over the past few years we’ve started to get a read on just how much you guys appreciate us, and we want to let you know that we appreciate you all tenfold, because without your support we wouldn’t be where we are today. We’ve worked with over 80 artists, and are only looking to increase that number this year.
This past Sunday was our second time at The Sinclair, take a look at just how good a of time we all had together.

all photos above are by the ever talented, Dana Brooks.
Thank you for the past four years Boston, here’s to the next four!
all photos below are by our forever homie, Malakhai Pearson.